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State Nj Us Typ Mbos Ras Ser Login

  • COVID-19 Information

Division of Pensions & Benefits

Welcome to the N.J. Sectionalization of Pensions & Benefits

Our mission is to provide quality benefits and services to run across the needs of our clients. Larn More than

Active Employees

Active Employees are employees of the Country of New Bailiwick of jersey, Local Government, and Local Education.

Active Employees

Retired members are retirees of the State of New Jersey, Local Government, and Local Educational activity.

Active Employees

Employers who participate in the State-administered Retirement Systems and Benefit Programs.

3.28.22 Showtime Mon, May two, 2022, we will resume in-person counseling services by engagement simply on a limited basis for members of the PERS, TPAF, PFRS, SPRS, and DCRP. Walk-in counseling services volition not be available. Our online video counseling services remain available as a convenient way for our members to receive personal service without traveling to our office. Delight visit our website to schedule your video or in-person counseling appointment.

iii.24.22 Beginning Monday, March 28th, receptionist services will resume from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 thousand., Monday – Friday (except State holidays). If you would like a personal counseling session, online video appointments currently remain bachelor to members of the PERS, TPAF, PFRS, SPRS, and DCRP. Make an appointment online.

3.17.22 Letters accept been mailed for programme year 2021 income related (IRMAA) Medicare reimbursements. Eligible retirees should watch for their letter to arrive from mynjbenefitshub and follow the revised procedures to render the required documentation and forms to mynjbenefitshub for reimbursement. The deadline for document submittal has been extended to May 1, 2022. Retirees should not send documents to the NJDPB; however, any documents that have already been received will be forwarded to mynjbenefitshub for processing.

ii.eight.22 The Law and Firemen'southward Retirement System of New Jersey (PFRSNJ) has extended the submissions endmost date for the Request for Qualifications for an Independent Alternative Investment Consultant until March xviii, 2022. For further data, delight see Questions and Answers.

2.1.22 The SHBP/SEHBP has partnered with SSDC Services Corporation to provide eligible Non-Medicare retirees with Social Security Inability (SSDI) benefits and Medicare coordination services. Larn more than

1.31.22 Constructive February 3, 2022, the cost share waiver for telemedicine and telehealth visits non related to COVID-19 testing will end. SHBP and SEHBP members who use Horizon CareOnlineSM or some other telemedicine service from their provider for any care other than to determine the need for a COVID-19 diagnostic test, will be subject to normal copayments forth with any applicable coinsurance and/or deductibles for the covered services. Run across the Horizon member notification for more than data.

one.2.22 All retirees must now submit SHBP and SEHBP applications online using Benefitsolver. Benefitsolver Enrollment Instructions , Frequently Asked Questions , and a Video Guide are available for guidance through this transition.

MBOS Snapshot:

The Member Benefits Online System (MBOS) gives registered users cyberspace access to pension and wellness do good account information and online applications. Some options include:

  • Retrieving your Personal Benefits Statement
  • Designating a Beneficiary
  • Getting a Alimony Loan
  • Applying for Withdrawal
  • Applying for Retirement
  • Retrieving your letters and statements

You lot may log on or annals using the "Access my MBOS Account" section located at the elevation of every folio.

Demand to alter your name or address? Study a death? Add together a family fellow member to your benefits? Run into the Life Events beneath to larn more.

Address Alter

If yous fall into the following categories, a Alter of Accost form should be completed:

  • Active employees and retirees enrolled in the ABP or DCRP
  • Agile employees and retirees enrolled in the SHBP/SEHBP
  • Retirees of the PERS, TPAF, PFRS, SPRS, and JRS

Agile employees enrolled in the PERS, TPAF, PFRS, SPRS, or JRS should notify their Human Resources representative of their name or accost change. The NJDPB does non retain addresses for these employees.

Name Change

Agile members and retirees can complete an Affidavit of Name Modify form and submit it to the NJDPB along with required documentation.

Agile Employees

  • Information technology is your responsibleness to add a dependent to your health programme coverage within sixty days of the qualifying effect. You also must submit proof of dependency documentation along with your application to your employer. If you lot miss the deadline, y'all will have to await until the annual open enrollment catamenia to add your dependent to your program. There may be a change in the amount deducted from your pay due to your coverage-level change.
  • Employees can easily review and modify life insurance/pension casher designations online using MBOS. Await for "Admission myNewJersey" above.
  • State Active Employees Only: Add together your spouse/partner or dependent to your Tax$ave Medical Flexible Spending Account and/or Tax$ave Dependent Intendance Flexible Spending Account.


  • It is your responsibleness to add a dependent to your health plan coverage. You must enroll your child inside sixty days of the date of the qualifying event. You also must submit proof of dependency documentation along with your application to the NJDPB. If yous miss the deadline, your dependent volition be enrolled on the starting time of the month following a 60-day waiting menstruum. In that location may be a change in the amount deducted from your retirement allowance (if self-paid) due to your coverage-level change.
  • Retirees can hands review life insurance/pension beneficiary designations online using MBOS.

To register or log on to MBOS, await for "Access myNewJersey" above.

When removing a dependent child from your coverage (for whatsoever reason) at that place may exist a change in the amount deducted from your paycheck or retirement bank check (if self-paid) due to your coverage-level modify.

  • To remove a child from your health coverage, Active Employees should submit an awarding to their Human Resources representative. Retirees and COBRA recipients must submit an application straight to the NJDPB.
  • Dependent children'due south coverage will be terminated at the end of the year in which they turn historic period 26. It is your responsibility to apply for connected coverage under Chapter 375 or COBRA for the dependent child, if desired.
  • A child who has reached age 26 and is disabled due to a mental or physical disability and dependent upon y'all for back up can remain covered every bit a dependent if the child'south disabled status is approved.
  • A child who has reached historic period 26 and a COBRA recipient may keep coverage under COBRA for a period of 36 months.

If your spouse's employment status changes (due east.g., starts or leaves a job), you tin enroll/disenroll him or her in your health plan. Proof of new coverage or proof of loss of coverage is required. There will be a change in the amount deducted from your paycheck or retirement check (if self-paid) due to your coverage-level modify. Agile Employees should submit an awarding and proof of coverage documentation to their Human Resources department. Retirees and COBRA recipients should submit an application and proof of coverage documentation to the NJDPB.

If you divorce or deliquesce your civil matrimony or domestic partnership, you must remove your former spouse or partner from your wellness plan when the event occurs. There volition be a alter in the amount deducted from your paycheck or retirement check (if self-paid) due to your coverage-level change.

  • Active Employees must notify their Human Resources section.
  • Retirees and COBRA recipients must submit an application to change status to the NJDPB.

Other Considerations:

  • Review your life insurance and pension beneficiary designations via MBOS. Await for "Access myNewJersey" above.
  • Review the NJDPB Divorce and Qualified Domestic Relations Guild (QDRO) Fact Sheets.
  • Land Active Employees Only: Disenroll your spouse/partner from your Taxation$ave Medical Flexible Spending Account.

Active Employees

  • Information technology is your responsibility to add a new spouse/partner to your health programme coverage within lx days of the appointment of marriage or partnership. You also must submit proof of dependency documentation along with your application to your employer. If you miss the deadline, you will have to expect until the annual open up enrollment menstruum to add him or her to your plan. There volition be a change in the amount deducted from your paycheck due to your coverage-level alter.
  • Employees tin easily review and change life insurance/pension beneficiary designations online using MBOS. Look for "Access myNewJersey" to a higher place.
  • Country Agile Employees Only: Enroll your spouse/partner in your Revenue enhancement$ave Medical Flexible Spending Account.


  • It is your responsibleness to add a new spouse/partner to your health plan coverage within 60 days of the date of marriage or partnership. You besides must submit proof of dependency documentation along with your application to the NJDPB. If you miss the borderline, your spouse/partner will be enrolled on the first of the month following a 60-twenty-four hours waiting menstruum. At that place may be a change in the amount deducted from your retirement bank check (if self-paid) due to your coverage-level alter.
  • Retirees can easily review and change their tax withholdings and life insurance/pension beneficiary designations online using MBOS. To register or log on to MBOS, look for "Access myNewJersey" in a higher place.

The NJDPB should be notified of the decease of an employee or retiree every bit soon as possible. Beneficiaries of pension and/or life insurance payments and surviving spouse/partner/dependents on the fellow member'south health insurance coverage volition be notified by post. Required forms and documentation should be returned to the NJDBP immediately in order to procedure payments and/or provide insurance.

Death of Spouse/Partner/Dependent: If your spouse/partner or dependent child passes away, he or she must be removed from your health plan. There may be a change in the amount deducted from your paycheck or retirement bank check (if self-paid) due to the coverage-level change.

  • Active Employees must notify their Man Resource department.
  • Retirees and COBRA recipients must submit an awarding to change coverage level to the NJDPB.

Other Considerations:

  • Review your life insurance and pension beneficiary designations via MBOS and make changes equally necessary.
  • State Active Employees Only: Disenroll your spouse/partner/dependent from your Tax$ave Medical Flexible Spending Account or Dependent Care Spending Business relationship.

Employer Pensions and Health Benefits Grooming

The NJDPB presents employer grooming for Certifying Officers and other personnel responsible for the administration of pensions and benefits at employing locations. All preparation is designed to include contempo changes to administrative rules, State and federal laws.

  • See the Seminar and Webinar Schedule for all available employer training topics and dates, then register online.

The Partition of Pensions & Benefits' seminars and webinars help members of the PERS, TPAF, PFRS, or DCRP understand their benefits on a multifariousness of topics – in improver to planning for retirement. Seminars are alive classroom sessions provided at locations across the Country. Webinars are live, interactive web presentations hosted by GoToMeeting. Both seminars and webinars conclude with a brief Q&A period.

  • View the Seminar and Webinar Schedule to Register Online.

For inclement conditions cancellations, call 609-292-6649.

The Division of Pensions & Benefits has all financial reports available on our Financial Reports page.

  • New Laws
  • Dominion Changes
  • Legislative Resources


Related Videos - to run across more than videos, please refer to our video library

Retirement Types, Eligibility & Calculations

Retired Benefitsolver Guide

Solving MBOS Login Issues Office one

Last Updated: Monday, 03/28/22

State Nj Us Typ Mbos Ras Ser Login



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